is ETL’s constitution ?
Elnet Technologies is a Joint Sector Company promoted by
Electronics Corporation of Tamil Nadu and Stur Technologies Pvt
Ltd (formerly New Era Technologies Pvt Ltd) & its Associates.

Where is ETL
located ?
Elnet Technologies Limited,
Elnet Software City,
TS 140, Block No.2 & 9,
Rajiv Gandhi Salai,
Chennai – 600 113.
Located in the 6 Lane IT Corridor adjacent to Tidel Park and Opp.
to MRTS Station, Thiruvanmiyur. About 15 kms - 30 minutes drive
- from the Airport.
What are the
Services ?
ETL is providing infra-structure services to Software and BPO

What are
the strengths
of ETL ?
ETL was set up as a plug and play facility with base plates of
24000 sq. ft. (Total area is 1.70 Lakhs sq. ft.) and very lavish
common area including adequate restrooms and elevators. A unique
feature of the building is the provision of UPS system driven
power supply for each

Who are
customers of ETL ?
ETL's customer base includes leading Software and BPO Companies,
a list of which is provided under the heading Clientele.
Who are ETL’s
Registrars and Share Transfer Agents ?
M/s Cameo Corporate Services Limited,
Unit : Elnet Technologies Limited,
Subramanyam Building,
No.1, Club House Road,
Chennai – 600 002, Tamil Nadu.
Phone : 2846 0390 Fax : 2846 0129

Where are ETL’s
Shares Listed ?
The Stock Exchange, Mumbai.